picture story by Mary Slepkova
Picture documentary depicts one of the first Communities of Sisters of Charity that reappeared in Russia in 1991 after years of persecution of the Christian church in Soviet period. 
Their job seems to be simple — to help those who are orthodox take the Sacrament, and to assist the lying patients in having a bath, or to keep someone company in case they feel lonely. Yet at the core of their simplicity is human courage, deep love and mercy.
The community is named after Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna of Russia who was killed by Bolsheviks. She became a symbol of Mercy in Russia as she has built a Residency of Mercy for poor, sick and wounded people with the money made from selling her royal jewelry.

This work won the "Young Photographers of Russia - 2016" contest. 

2015 Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Solo exhibition "Simple job: Mercy" as a part of Orthodox forum.
2016 Puschino, Moscow region, Russia. Group Exhibition during Young Photographers of Russia festival.
2016 Moscow, Russia, Group Exhibition of finalists of Young Photographers of Russia contest.
2016 Marsciano, Italy (Umbria region). Group exhibition of laureates of Young Photographers of Russia contest.
2016 Saint-Petersburg, Russia. School No 197. Solo exhibition as a part of educational program on the History of religion and Orthodox culture.
2018 Arkhangelsk, Russia. 
2022 Saint-Petersburg, Russia


A picture story about Russian Sisters of Charity that gratuitously help dying people in hospice.
