Cara Ord's profile


This piece is an entry for the Adobe take ten contest. The idea behind this contest is to form an image using ten pre-selected adobe stock images depicting the theme impulsive.
I took to this theme in a multitude of ways. I wanted to show the impulsive nature of humanity and our modern consumer culture. I attampted to represent this through the literal consuming and releasing of the fish. taking what we can and leaving behind what we find no longer fashionable or neccesary based on our cultural progression. The idea of consuming and reflecting nature is also amplified by the intergration of the fish tale as the figures hair. This also bringing an eccentricity, punk and Bowie like vibe to the human figure, outwardly reflecting the impulsivity of our nature. The geometric, structural and landscape photographs were used to emphasis the drawing in effect of the figures as well as tell the tale of the broken, reconstructed and manipulated environment which we inhabit. The key to this image being the collected and cluttered city at its centre. This image lone would speak to the culture of humanity.
Further taking the theme to heart I was impulsive with my design, building, layering and tweeking the images in a random fashion until I created something new. I went entirely out of my comfot zone, having had minimal practice at manipulating images in such a fashion. Finding new tools and unique stylistic approaches which I had yet to discover. 
Over all this was a very fufilling project which I thoroughly enjoyed creating, I hope to use more random collections of images to create new and interesting compositions in the future.


This is a competition entry for Adobes #TakeTenContest It is a photo collage of ten images based on the theme of 'impulsive'. I chose to look at Read More
