Calente Cardwell's profile


The Flowers Bedroom.
Recently Adrien Patout, and I had the amazing instance to get to know one another, we spoke over his current endeavours, and how I enjoyed working, and am currently structuring a reccomendible, very strong portfolio. This is going to be a great opportunity for myself. Especially working for someone who has been very willing, and appreciative of what little bit of the iceberg that has been chipped into his favor. I couldn't be more pleased w/ working for someone like this. His artwork is very well done, thought up, and exciting. 
It has been many quick decisions, a lot of drive being born from these hands lately, and an immense respect for letting things come in time. Patience. Capturing the right moment, when you are able to do so. Incorporating photography into Digital Design or Art, makes me feel more passion than many other things I know to exist. 


// Adrien Patout presents The Flowers Bedroom //
