// Final major project with topic: birth rate in Singapore //
EGGS (Embracing Generational Growth in Singapore) is a trial branding company solution to raise birth rate in Singapore.
“Singapore's population grew at its slowest pace in a decade in the one year to June 2014, due to a slow down in the inflow of foreign workers” (Tham Yuen-C, 2104). Today’s population is merely 5.47 million, which is 0.3% slower than last year records. Meanwhile the local population is in still the same number as last year (3.34 million). About 12.4% from the total population is dominated by aged 65 and above. Marriages number had fallen up to three thousand in difference. More importantly, fertility rate at this year is drop down to 0.10% than last year. 
It is started from defining the real problem of this fertility rate problem in Singapore. High living cost is the number one problems, which make people, refuse to have children. But it is also a problem that almost impossible to be solved since it’s only the government people who can change the rules. But aside from this problem, it found that there are some causes that make young couple nowadays refuse to have children.
Most parents have NO TIME to take care children while they are working. They cannot accompany their children, taking care, or even have no time to buy children’s daily needs. Some people refuse to have children because of these problems. If they refuse to have children then it means the fertility rate in Singapore always stay low. By solving these problems, it is believed, the fertility will gradually increasing.
Taking the main problem of “no time”, it can be solved by creating a company, which focusing on helping every parent who has to work every day from morning to night. This company must have a main service in which it can be said as babysitting service. Each nanny will either have a part time or fulltime job in the specified family. This company also has two other services that called parenting consultancy and parenting logistics. Parenting consultancy is a service where parent can have a private consultation of their problem on raising children. In the other hand, to solve the problem where parents have no time to buy children’s needs is with parenting logistics. This service is an online shop of baby-toddler needs. Providing the fast shipment service to every door in Singapore. 
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*Due to a school project, I am not buying the photostock and not trying to remove the watermark from the original photo stock site.
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Thank you
Special thanks to:
Pedro Goncalves
Arya Mastama Putra
Cindy Budiman
Immanuel Nayoan Tumore
Metanoi Eukarista Kailola


Final Major Project about raising birth rate in Singapore. January - June 2015.
