Gregor Halbwedl's profile

Wild Scotland

Quiraing, Isle of Skye
W i l d  S c o t l a n d
What connects me to Scotland? The fascination of the wildness and origin of the landscape. The steep mountain cones next to wild coastal landscapes. The rapidly changing lighting conditions based on unstable weather, invites to photograph not only in the morning and evening light. I have visited the country three times and I must say Scotland has changed my eye for landscape photography. Today I prefer extreme weather and light situations and feel landscapes with blue sky somehow boring.
lodigarry, Isle of Skye
Red Hills Torrin, Isle of Skye
Sligachan Hotel, Isle of Skye
Rannoch Moor
Elgol, Isle of Skye
Sligachan Hotel, Isle of Skye
Loch Assynt, Sutherland
Loch Awe, Assynt
Drumrunie, Assynt
Applecross beach
Gen Sligachan, Isle of Skye
Applecross beach
Hopeman east beach
Elgol, Isle of Skye

Quiraing, Isle of Skye

P h o t o g r a p h y

b y   G r e g o r   H a l b w e d l
Wild Scotland

Wild Scotland

Which connect me with Scotland? I am fascinated by the wildness and origin of the landscape. There are steep mountain cones next to wild coastal Read More


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