Bryan Specht's profile

Understanding Emotional Child Abuse

Bryan Specht has served as president of Olson Engage since 2012. Outside of his work with the Chicago public relations organization, Bryan Specht supports Prevent Child Abuse America (PCAA).

Child abuse can take many forms, including verbal and emotional abuse. Emotional abuse can be defined as any kind of negative treatment that results in stunted psychological development for a child. Verbal attacks, hurtful actions, neglect, indifference, and verbal dominance are all forms of emotional abuse.

A common example of emotional abuse involves a parent or guardian placing excessive demands and unrealistic expectations on a child’s performance, either around the house, in school, or during organized sports. Perpetrators of emotional abuse may chastise and punish a child for traditional and even positive behavior, such as smiling. Creating a distance between an infant and caregiver, effectively preventing healthy attachment, is one of the most harmful kinds of emotional child abuse.
Understanding Emotional Child Abuse

Understanding Emotional Child Abuse

Bryan Specht has served as president of Olson Engage since 2012. Outside of his work with the Chicago public relations organization, Bryan Specht Read More
