Essència | Human+ (CCCB)

In the exhibition Human+ (CCCB) and in a world where our capacities no longer have limitations and they are less conditioning, the installation Essència poses the reflection of who we are as human beings and what makes us feel as such through a sensorial and participative experience.
Installation viewed from the outside
Attendee reading the inicial explanation
User in full experience inside the nucleus.
Users observing the installation effects inside the nucleus
Sensor of the nucleus being used
Entrance to the installation and a user going in.
With the support of:
ESDI Escola Superior de Disseny
BAU Centre Universitari de Disseny de Barcelona
ELISAVA Escola Superior de Disseny i Enginyeria de Barcelona

In collaboration with:
Helena Bantulà
Fèlix Vinyals
Essència | Human+ (CCCB)