Nancy Pearson's profile

Engagement Thing: Social Media

Social Media Venues
Gone are the days when marketing and advertising meant beautiful print collateral, well written press releases and feature stories. Thanks to social media and digital communication, marketing professionals have a 24/7 menu of communication platforms and avenues at our fingertips. (Many of which are cost free) For a non-profit organization, social media allows for a level playing field.

The past five years has shifted not only the way I do business, but my entire communication strategy.  My programs would shrivel and die if I simply put out a press release and emailed my core constituents. Today, I must create a thoughtful marketing strategy that includes a variety of media.

To effectively promote a main stage production I first create a visual representation. This is used for the production poster, on our website and in other print and digital venues. I then send out a press release with photos, Tweet about the release and Tweet the photos. I link Facebook to the press release and post several images from the photo shoot and ask fans to identify the actors or dancers.  I create a podcast from an interview with the director or designer and post and Tweet that.  I create a promotional video about the production, post on our YouTube page and link from Twitter and Facebook.  I run ads on the radio and ask fans and followers to tune in to those stations and listen for our ad. I create an event in Facebook, invite all our fans and post links from Facebook and Twitter to all internal and external media coverage of our event.  I also create an electronic newsletter which I send to those on our email list and then link it to our Facebook and Twitter feeds. When a production is over, I post the best production stills on our Pinterest boards.  In the weeks leading up to a production, I am able to be in front of my audience on a consistent basis with variety and diversity of content.

When the recession arrived and many arts organizations went under, I have maintained audience and in some instances, have grown it.
Engagement Thing: Social Media

Engagement Thing: Social Media

Social media
