Our aim was to clearly convey the activity of yoga, our target audience of men and the fact that our concept was morning. Our developed logo was simple ad clearly conveys the concept of morning yoga.
We identified that the benefits of yoga can be seperated into two categories - physical health benefits and mental health benefits. 
We undertook primary research to gain a better understanding of our target audience to learn what the benefit of yoga is to attract our target audience. We created surveys to identify sterotypes of yoga and to create a persona.
We looked into colour meanings and how different colours effect your mood. We wanted to highlight how yoga is a natural way of self healing and wanted to use colours to signify this. From our research we decided on a colour palette of blue, green and grey for our sheets and deliverables.
We identified that the benefits of yoga can be seperated into two categories - physical health benefits and mental health benefits. 
Deliverable 1- adding yoga to your morning routine would help you deal with stressful situations and give you a calmer perspective for the day. Displayed in a busy city centre and on route to work to catch the attention of passers by at a quick glance and where men are more likely to take notice. The captions show both negative thoughts without yoga and the positive self- talk statements that research shows is helpful to de-stress and be in a calmer state of mind (posters around you would remind you of this).
Deliverable 2- after looking at other forms of ambient media we thought an interactive form of advertisement would not only be fun for the audience but also raise awareness especially through social media. The idea came fro boards that you put your head in at the beach where you place your head on another person's body. Dotted around a busy city centre where our target audience are likely to be passing by.
Research shows that men aged between 25-35 are more likely to take notice of Facebook and Twitter over other social media. Hashtag your photo and learn more about morning yoga.
Deliverable 3 -Taken from the saying 'right side of the bed' - shows how doing yoga in the morning would make a positive effect on your day this is physically shown by half of it being in black and white making it visually depressive.
It would pop up as an advertisement on Facebook and the chance to learn more information and to like our page.
Yoga Campaign

Yoga Campaign

University Brief: group project to persuade 25-35 year old men to take up Yoga through an advertising campaign.
