These two prints are the beginnings of a seriesm, they use the White on Black method of printing and the subject is of a giant travelling lion turtle. I have depicted two versions, the first in a friendly way travelling through the ocean and the second in a feirce and agressive state in the mountain side. 
Orbiting. Linoprint. 2015.
Orbitting 01. Linoprint. 2015
Orbitting 01. Linoprint. 2015
Orbitting 01. Linoprint. 2015
Orbitting 02. Linoprint. 2015
Orbitting 02. Linoprint. 2015
Orbitting 02. Linoprint. 2015
Orbitting 02. Linoprint. 2015


This project contains my successful lino printing experiments based on travelling and mythology. The subject matter that was used was a giant lio Read More


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