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Can I Kick It? — Interactive Website

Student project prompt: to create an interactive website based on a song. This must include all lyrics present in the song.

A Tribe Called Quest has a song called "Can I Kick It?" that not only has a great beat, but depth about social struggles and fitting in. The beat could be used to simulate a walking cycle, so I created a "day in the life" style walkthrough of areas similar to where the members of Tribe grew up. 

The focus is on the blue splashes, and I used the transitional / more barren screens to bring out the more important text, while keeping a smaller lyrics bank on the right side. This lets the user get the full lyrics, but allowing the creative to not be dictated by how quickly those lyrics can fly by.
Can I Kick It? — Interactive Website

Can I Kick It? — Interactive Website

Opportunity: Make a website to engage users and take them deeper into Can I Kick It? — A Tribe Called Quest. Solution: This song had a lot of so Read More
