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Sustainable Humane Earth, or SHE for short is a for-profit organisation based in Austin, Texas whose primary focus is promoting permaculture and sustainable living.
Envisioned by musician and Yoga practitioner Tyagaraja Welch, SHE uses Permaculture Design to create a community space that leaves zero waste, uses the fullest potential of all on site resources, grow its own food, support and uplift the arts, community and holistic healthy lifestyle.

Sustainable Humane Earth starts as an aquaponics greenhouse powered by solar energy. The aquaponics greenhouse is a hub for training/education, employee opportunity and community outreach. Most importantly the greenhouse will provide sustainably, locally grown, organic healthy food to the Austin community. With climate change, human waste and global unrest, SHE stands to be a responsible answer to these issues within their community.
Their main facility will be housed in a 2-3 acre land in Austin which will provide services like Growing, selling, distributing fresh, healthy/organic, sustainably grown food to the community, Educational workshops, Permaculture Design installations, Urban Permaculture Designs and Homesteads in Texas, Eco-Consulting for business and private residences, Yoga/Meditation workshops and retreats, Women’s empowerment courses, Staying arrangements and retreats for like-minded travellers, Community gathering spaces and Summer camps. Since the founder, Tyagaraja is a musician as well, the facility will also be hosting a number of music, art, dance and theatre performances as well.
Mother earth encompasses within her a symbiotic relationship between everything that resides in her.
The air, water, soil, flora, fauna and humans, all interact with each other, and the way they interact with each other shapes the way the earth is. The identity was created in a way that represented this relationship between everything it holds within. Sustainable Humane earth, too, consists of many different areas of focus, all of which cooperate with each other to build a holistic community.
Since Sustainable Humane Earth mimics mother nature in terms of symbiotic relationships, and their acronym turns out to be S.H.E.(she), we saw it as a divine coincidence. Instead of referring to it as Sustainable Humane Earth or S.H.E, we decided that calling it  She would be more fitting, since nature and all things natural have a maternal feminine connotation associated with it, and personifies it.


Sustainable Humane Earth, or SHE for short is a for-profit organisation based in Austin, Texas whose primary focus is promoting permaculture and Read More
