Red is a very imporant colour for hindu marraiges. The series contains one typography, a product and a scene that expresses this.
Mehndi is the local variant of henna designs in India and neighboring countries such as Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, women use mehndi for festive occasions, such as weddings, religious events and traditional ceremonies.
Sindooram is a traditional red or orange-red colored cosmetic powder from India, usually worn by married women along the parting of their hair. Use of sindoor denotes that a woman is married in many Hindu communities, and ceasing to wear it usually implies widowhood. 
Alta or Mahawar or Rose Bengal is a red dye which women in India or Bangladesh apply with cotton on the border of their feet during marriages and religious festivals. In certain areas of India there is a tradition that after the wedding ceremony, when the bride enters her in-laws house for the first time, she steps in a plate of Alta before crossing the threshold with her right foot, leaving red footsteps behind her



Semiotics in India | The Color Red
