Martin Skarbø Sangolt's profile

NAV - Alternative Recruitment Service

This service was a the end result of a service design project in collaboration with NAV, a major insutition within the Norwegian Government. A declining number of businesess within Norway make use of NAV's recruiting services. The project focused on smaller businesess within the Trondheim Area. From user insights, interviews with business owners and experts on the recruitement field - four design principles was created to summarize the findings:
1) Competency is more important than personality
2) Employers involvement in the recruitement process is crucial
3) The service must break free from titles and traditional professions, and rahter focus on spesific skills.
4) The service needs to fit companies that are not activily searching for employees.
With these design principles we created a simple concept for a digital service, on both mobile and desktop platforms.
Test the mobile prototype here:
NAV - Alternative Recruitment Service

NAV - Alternative Recruitment Service

A service design for recruitment services within NAV.
