My experience in creating this project was pretty fun yet stressful. Very stressful. Getting everything together was difficult, planning where to film this and the items we required took many days of planning which made us fall behind. There were times when we had to work without the storyboard, and many things just got out of hand. But even so, we were able to actually finish it. One of the props that took three days to create was not even shown since the scenes made the ad too long so we decided to just cut it out. Filming outside was difficult in the freezing winter but we still had fun and had a bunch of laughs. The process at first seemed simple, but we were wrong and suffered making this. But now that it's done and I can take my mind off of it, I'm pretty proud of what we all put together. 
Foley - None
Music credit - Valve
Creative Rational
For our ad, our main target audience are gamers, which are mostly teens or adults. Specifically the ones that play Team Fortress 2. The effect we intended our ad to have on our audience was to persuade the gamers into buying the game item that the character Heavy uses to heal in desperate times. The item called “the Sandvich”. Even for people who have never played the game, maybe spark their interest into checking it out and giving it a try even. The choices we chose to create this effect were simple battle scenes between one of the fastest classes which is the Scout against the slowest class, Heavy. Even though the Heavy had gotten beaten, we wanted to show that he’d easily heal his health back with the sandvich and easily beat the pesky Scout. We also knew that since we weren’t skilled actors or anything, there would be a comedic effect inside the video. We thought that the appeal would be the short fight scenes since those are one of the things teens are usually interested in when it comes to games or videos. We also thought that it’d be much more entertaining with the actual voices and lines that the characters have in the game, the soundtracks that would fit well with the moment, the types of music that could get someone pumped up. Having them know that another fight scene is coming up. For people who knew the characters already, we thought it’d be cool if we tried to create costumes with what we had and it turned out quite well. We had also made a prop of a mini gun which took us three days to create, we thought it be pretty appealing to see that prop but in order to make the ad shorter, we had to cut out the scenes that had the gun in it. So it was sadly, not used. Back onto the subject of sound, we feel like it really would have been better with sound effects, but we had no time to create Foley and we were tired of filming and had no creativity inside our minds. So we decided to just leave it out and just begin editing the video. We had also planned too much, getting too excited with certain ideas that never even happened, and we took time deciding where to film. Since this was going to have action in it, we needed to film outside for much better scenery. The worst part was that the sun would always go down too early, and since it usually went down around 5, we only had about 1 or 2 hours to film. Even if it was winter and it was usually freezing, we were able to pull through and finish up the video. There were times when things got stressful, like when we still had a bunch of scenes to shoot but the due date was coming up and we had no transportation to the areas. But we did it either way, with a couple of laughs and frustration.  

-Survey Summary-

So, In the survey, we asked a couple of questions, and here is the summary of it, and a little note from the creators.
"Did you enjoy the video" all of the responses to this question was very positive towards the regard.

Miguel:Thanks ^_^
Ronald: That sounds great. 
Kaila: Thanks m8's. :3
"Did you feel that there were footage or elements in the video that seemed out of place?" 
Most responses said that all of the elements were fine or alright. But there was one concern about the sync of the music and narration.
Miguel: Well, i think this was my fault, since I lost the story board so we couldn't really stick to the original acting.
Ronald: It's pretty understandable because we did not use the storyboard or screenplay while shooting. 
Kaila: I didn't do much editing, but I was responsible is the storyoard which I sometimes forgot to bring, so we improvised some things instead. 
"Was the product Clear?" The general response that we got here is that "the product was not clear" The video was lacking something to identify or something to highlight that we we're selling "The Sandvich" If the haven't played the game before.

Miguel: I can see where that would appear, I now wish I could add some more parts to the ad.
Ronald: It's clear but we could have done more if we have more time.
Kaila: I understand, and I do wish that we had shown the sandwich more often.
"From 1-10 Rate the video"   The average people rated is "6"

"does It feel like an Action/Comedy?" all responses said "Yes"

"Does the Audio fit?"  Most said yes, but again people noted a problem about the lip sync of the narration
Sandvich Ad

Sandvich Ad

An ad for a game item in the video game Team Fortress 2.
