If I remember correctly, the last time I felt like punching someone goes all the way back to when I was 7 years old. And I did it. I will never forget the feeling I got right after the punch, it was a mix of anger and despair, but surprisingly the whole thing wasn’t able to make me feel better about myself. I didn’t feel superior to the kid I had just punched nor did I feel I had won the argument. On the contrary, I felt worse. Since then, I’ve tried my best to avoid physical fights. No matter how fucked up things get, I always try to peacefully end discussions.
Yesterday I had a very unique raging urge to punch a human face. I was my 7-year-old self all over again. But I wasn’t going to let myself fall off the wagon. So I came up with an idea to “punch away” the urge, in a very peaceful way.
This ended up being an amazing stress relief. Hope you guys enjoy it.


