Katherine C.L's profile

Scenery 03 ~ Digital Ver,

This is a really old drawing. Last year I took Drawing Class 2 and had to do 5 proposal of drawings for the final project (see original here: fav.me/d88mr4p ) so I decided to try digital painting on one of them. The original idea that I had was to do them all (the 5 drawings) in digital, but I think that by that time, the idea was way to high over my capacities since I didn't knew how to properly do what I wanted to accomplish.
A year has passed by and with it, I had the chance to develop more my abilities and practiced a lot whit other stuff from college, so I retook this drawing yesterday and ended it.
The original one had a temple based on the concept of real asian temples since back then, when I drew it and I intended to create an original-new type of temple situated on a fictional place. The thing is that when I started to painting it I thought that it was too complicated to re-draw the perspective and all the details. I though I was not prepared for that kind of challenge, so I deleted it and worked only on the landscape.
I think it came out pretty well despite the time It took me, since I painted it almost a year ago and retook it yesterday.
But overall, I'm really happy with the outcome and I'm expecting to draw a bit more, keep on track with my personal works and also practice more for upcoming homeworks that I'm pretty sure I'll have in the next 4 months.
Hope you like it!
Scenery 03 ~ Digital Ver,

Scenery 03 ~ Digital Ver,

Scenery 03 ~ Digital Ver,
