Petite ChardonnayA touching story about Michael Robert Oak; his relationship with his father, Richard James Oak; his relationship with his wife, Teresa Marie Oak; and their relationship with Chardonnay Syrah Oak, Michael and Teresa's twelve year old daughter.

The movie has been viewed at a private screening on August 4 2012, and at the Davis Film Festival in June of 2013.  This movie will be used for finding funding for the full length version called CHARDONNAY. We hope and pray.

Michael Klemp, Gretta Sosine, Charlie Merlo; with Gary L. Conover, and introducing Karly Avva as Chardonnay.

Brendan Brooks & Jim Heck - Cinematographers
Frank Cosgriff - 1st AD
Laura Marie Tapia - Make Up Artist
Ryan McKinney - Casting Director
It Factor Studios - Casting Services
Doug Hammer - Composer
Gerald Martin Davenport - writer, director, producer, and editor
the SOFTCOVER version of "Petite Chardonnay 'Behind-the-Scene' in Pictures" is Now available for purchase.

a great gift idea and collectable.  Get your copy now and relive the memories.
Petite Chardonnay

Petite Chardonnay

A wonderfully photographed and acted movie with tender and emotional music by Doug Hammer
