Imprint enable families or individuals to monitor, understand, and evaluate how they are consuming media in an effort to create a healthy balance between screen time and time spent doing off-screen activities.
Our team’s in-depth research revealed that children are spending too much time engaged with screens. On any given day, children between the ages of two and five spend as much as 4.6 hours using screen media while 8 to 18 year-olds consume an average of 7.2 hours of screen media. Excessive screen time has been linked to increased psychological difficulties in addition to decreased time spent engaged in creative play, constructive problem solving, and creativity.
We concluded that the problem is not technology itself, but rather the amount of time and type of content children are viewing on screens. We therefore saw an opportunity to provide a service that brings greater awareness to how much time children are spending interacting with screens. In addition, we recognized the opportunity to promote alternate activities that build creativity and problem solving skills.
Our solution comes in the form of Imprint. This service enables families or individuals to monitor, understand, and evaluate how they are consuming media in an effort to create a healthy balance between screen time and time spent doing off-screen activities.
Example of the targeted demographic or user groups for the Imprint product.
The leading statistic that capsulated the main problem our group saught to resolve. "Children between the ages of 8 and 18 consume an average of 7.2 hours of screen media per day," presented by Campaign for a Commerical Free Childhood. 
The product would work cross platfroms from the personal cell phones to tablets and desktops. 
An example notification and recommendation screens available to the user.
Careful analysis of competing application: Rescue Time
Careful analysis of competing application: Screentime
Pricing for the targeted demographic and adjusted price point.
Finance projections for inital investments and operational costs for the final sales pitch.
IMPRINT was conceived, designed, created and analyzed by MINDFUL SOLUTIONS members, George Chadwick, Preeti Jain, Jacklyn Landers, Jacqueline Manoharan, Jennifer Sclafani, and myself. 


Imprint enable families or individuals to monitor, understand, and evaluate how they are consuming media in an effort to create a healthy balance Read More
