Tom Sundberg's profile

Illustrator Line Drawings

Challenge: Clients need line drawings for different situations but usually for instructions, product sheets or to tell a story. Sometimes they ask for step-by-step drawings and other times one drawing of a glamour shot. The purpose is to give a clear representation of the subject and its features so it can stand in place of photography.

Solution: I am provided with hi-res photography of the subject and using Adobe Illustrator I generate the line art.

There is a degree of fine art to the process since I am capturing the essence of the subject as I see it. My final drawings are extensions of larger projects.
18th Century Ferguson Rifle - close up of the breach loading mechanism - The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Journal
18th Century Sailing Ship - The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Journal
In Use Drawings - Paladin Tools
In Use Instructional Drawings, SnapJacks - Platinum Tools
In Use Drawings, Grip Pack - Paladin Tools
PowerPlay, Multi-Tool - Paladin Tools
Wire Stripping Tools - Paladin Tools
Stripper & Crimper Tools - Paladin Tools
Crimper, Tester, Kit, Open Barrel Contacts - Paladin Tools
Butt Set - Paladin Tools
In Use Instructional Drawing, 4Mapper Tester - Platinum Tools
Keystone jacks and in-use drawings of the JackAx™ 110 Termination Tool - Platinum Tools
Illustrator Line Drawings


Illustrator Line Drawings

Line art illustrations. Primary uses are for product flyers, instructions, catalogs, packaging and journal stories.
