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MGA Concept Idea Generation Task 2

Idea Generation
I created these character concepts was by using a method that I pick up a while ago. To start off I will scribble light on a piece of paper. Then out of the scribble I will try and create a character from it, this can take a little bit of time. Normally an idea will pop into my head once I start to try and create a character. Also having a mind map or a theme in mind is also very helpful, but isn’t always needed. I ended up using this method to create ideas from the get go, using it as a replacement for mind maps. This means that more sketches were creating as result, which I find leads to a faster work flow.
Early concept Ideas
A large section of this WIP will be describing the concepts I decided not to develop, what I liked and disliked about it, and what may have inspired me to create it. I also including a short narrative with each concept. All the concepts seen are drawn pen on top of pencil, and drawn fairly small so that I would finish them. I will also describe these concepts in what type of computer game they could fit into, giving some examples as well. In this WIP there will be large variety of character and creature design in many different themes.
This is my first sketch, it’s the smallest of all the ideas for this project, its boney, slender and slight reptilian in nature. When creating concepts I don’t like having the creature or character just to stand their stiff as a board. I want to express their nature and personality through body language, this even helps visualizing how they will be animated in the computer game. This creature, looks sly due to its mouth and jaw. It also looks intelligent as its pose is quite relaxed, and it I made it look like its tracking something. Due to the fact that’s its kneeling and has one palm on the ground. I think this concept as a character could fit quite nicely into a Sci-fi themed video game. But if its pose was more primal, for example in a pouncing position I then think it will be suited for a horror game such as “Dead Space” for example. It could lurk the player character, always close but nether I n sight till the last moment.
 However the detail is quite poor and overall proportion and perspective needs a lot of work. I decided not continue with this concept because it was quite generic, and I felt like it’s been done before and better. An example would the stalker enemies from dead space 2.
This next concept is more detailed than the last, I used pencil to create some tonal value on with the skin. The character is some type of alien creature, I like to think he’s a builder on a construction site taken a break. The pose his him resting, sitting on the edge of something and looking quite drained and sad. He looks like a mixture between a pig and a large orc like creature. However there’s a futuristic look to him, this mainly because of his large metal boots, and the plating on his knee caps. The tank top helps to show that’s he’s a normally average guy in terms of place where he lives.
I like the anatomy this character, his 3 large claw like fingers show that his race may have been quite primal at one point, but his flabby arms and belly might show how his race had adapted to a society similar to ours. I think this character would fit in a games such as Mass effect, of a large RPG type game. Or even a modern day fantasy setting would have also been quite interesting.
I did do like this character, but I’m quite weak when it comes working with a sci-fi theme, the other concepts I created I found that I could develop to high level of detail. I think I will develop this character in my own time. I would improve the detail on his face and legs first of all, at the moment I think it’s quite hard to make out some of this feature.
I imagen this character to me to be a skeleton detective of business man, something themed from 20s to the 50s due his attire. I tired making him look chilly as if he is trying to warm his self-up, I trying to make the joke that he is cold to the bone. He also looks cunning or preparing himself to do something a bit sly. The proportions of the character are pretty good, however some details such as the hands are quite hard to make out.
The main reason I did not decide to continue with this concept, was because it’s been done before and it’s something I quite like. It’s very similar to a point and click adventure game called grim fandango, a game were you play in a 1930s art deco themed Mexican land of dead. I just found that his character was too close to that.
This is my least liked concept I created, it’s quite easy to tell because I did not finish it. Its theme is a very futuristic sci-fi creature on some distant planet. From what I drew I think it portrays a very intelligent character, something from a high class. This mainly inferred by its facial expression and posture.
I drew this quite large compared to some of the other concepts, this means that I have to put more work into drawing it, and I started to lose interest quite quickly. When drawing on smaller scale it means that can get a basic sketch done in a matter of minutes, and the build on the characters detail. I did not continue this character because I just found the design quite generic, and a bit boring compared to some of the other more expressive ideas.
This a more developed character but similar to last concept its one that I really did not like that much. It’s a zombie there’s not really that much more to say, I imagen if it was in a game it would part of a large horde. And would be a common enemy to kill if you’re the player character. The outline and pencil was done in pen, then using coloured pencils I then included some very basic colour work. Which is not at all my strong suite.
I found that the pose was very boring and does not suite the character at all. A zombie should be hunched over, twisted with stumbling movement. But it’s just standing strait, as I mentioned before it’s quite generic. If I was to do a zombie again it would be completely different and lot a more feral.
The character is a more demonic character, but still has quite a lot of human qualities to it and I find that you can still relate to it. I’m happy with this overall design, the proportion is good, but I think it’s the texture work that stands out. And think light is pretty good, and the simple colour really helps to develop the character. This creature would fit quite well with a game which has a fantasy theme, his posture reminds me of a T-rex big legs and small arms.
I liked the design but the reason I decided not to continue its development, is that I did not find it to have as a strong presences compared to my other ideas. I think this idea is a good background character, but needs something more for it to be a center piece.
This concept is an avian character, I tried to experiment environmental elements and props which I don’t think worked to well in this case.  The back story of this character is that he’s the major or leader of some community. He may be proud or corrupt, it’s hard to say has relaxes with a drink.
To be honest I really don’t this concept mainly because I think it has poor execution. I like what the pose could have been, slumping legs over the desk, reclining in back into his arm chair. But it looks quite stiff and it’s quite hard to tell what’s going on with this pose. Also the over detail is quite more low, on the environment certainly the desk and bottles look quite ugly. I think in my own time I will come back to this concept and try to improve it.
This is one of the more abstract ideas I had. It’s some type of ghost or spirit with a mask, and is made of a dark essence. I created this using mainly a brush pen, that’s how the lines flowing of the body were created. Its torso is small and wispy and has no legs, but the arms are very large and supports the body. I like the idea of this spirt clinging and pulling itself along the ground. I would like to think so that it doesn’t drift another realm.
I do like this concept but I find it has a strong resemblance to a character from the film spirited away. The character no face looks really similar. With these concepts to be mine, I don’t mind being inspired by different things. But the final concept should be mine alone.
These last 2 concepts before the final idea are ones that I am going to finish and develop in my own time because I really like them personally. In fact it was quite a hard decision to pick my final idea because these next two I find are just as strong. They are lot larger and quite a bit more detail than other concepts before.
This my miner orc concept, he’s a large humanoid with a large amount of coal on his back. The narrative is that he’s just come back from the mines and it’s in the winter. It’s has he tries to keep himself warm by hugging his chest. He plans to walk down to the town and sell his coal. I have not finished this concept but I will in my own time. I think this piece carries a lot of emotion and I just like the personality of the character.
However I will have a second attempt at the drawing, some of detail is quite hard to see, around the face for example. It could defined with more of a contrast. Also the basic shapes and overall structure is quite poor.
The other unfinished character that I like is a female knight with a spear and a large shield. In terms of a narrative there is really not much to say on this character. I also can’t really say too much because the concept is not finished. But I do like were its going, I think that she has quite a strong presences as she stands guard. I also like the frame and shape of this character. So far I have tired make her frame look like its suits her environment, quite muscular. 
This is the final idea for my character it’s a dragon type creature and really enjoyed creating it, which was one the main reason I decided to use this idea. It came quite naturally to me. It started off as small sketch then more and more kept being layered, until I got the result that you see nice. The drawing is only really the outline, this was mainly because I was cautious to add any texture, so that I would not ruin it.
The narrative is quite simple, a dragon cares for a small town in the village to ward of danger. In return all he ask for is companion ship and food, which for the town was a small sacrifice to make. He then watched over village for hundreds of years. He did not move much so he grew fat overtime, daily a villager would bring food to the dragon and chat with him for a while. That’s the narrative in its simplest form.
I imagen this character to fit into a fantasy RPG of some sort.
MGA Concept Idea Generation Task 2

MGA Concept Idea Generation Task 2

MGA Idea generation for the concept Art for video game project


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