tal milner's profile

Wikipedia donations advertising

The goal:
To encourage people to donate to Wikipedia.

The massege:
A lot of amazing people do amazing things in order to save the world of knowledge.
Those days, Wikipedia are considered to be the keepers of free knowledge, but Wikipedia is in danger of bankruptcy, and it needs your help. With just a few Dollars, you too can save know knowledge.
The slogan:
There is more than one way to save knowledge.
Donate to Wikipedia.
The printed ads campaign:
A serie of ads featuring people who saved knowledge, with explanations about them, and next to them standing the every-day person, who donate a few dollars to wikipedia, standing as their equal.
The campaign will be featured in different magazines as a double spread.
The ambiant campaign:
a series of digital mirrors featuring people who saved knowledge, with explanations on what they did, placed in subway tunnels.
Once someone walks by, the poster will change into a mirror, so people can see themselves as the heroes who saved knowledge, with the explanation changed into a different massege, encouraging people to donate.
*Created of an "advertising for campaigns" course in Bezalel academy for art and design.
Wikipedia donations advertising

Wikipedia donations advertising

Created of an "advertising for campaigns" course in Bezalel academy for art and design.
