General Mills' snack division came to Curb Crowser looking for new, fun ways to promote their Skylanders fruit shapes. They loved the playfulness of the ideas and executed the shipper idea.
Cheerios Racing was struggling in-store and General Mills was open to ideas on how to differentiate the brand. The NASCAR Mega display was an idea I had, I was able to utilize my 3D software to make sure the idea worked, plus it helped me make the final planogram and know exact box count. The result was that General Mills was able to have increased incremental sales in stores like Walmart and Safeway.
I love working with brand equity characters. The giant is such an iconic figure, bringing it to life in store was easy. Although this was not executed because of SKU margins, it gained a lot of attention and recognition for the creativity of Curb Crowser.
Every year General Mills gets a lot of press for their retro cereal boxes. They want to promote these in-store, this particular year's theme was 80s video games so my idea was a video game machine as the display unit.
To stay with the natural, healty branding that Nature Valley has, I came up with a way to make them stand out at sporting events in a fun, interatctive way.
Gushers brand is a favorite of kids, I wanted a way to disrupt a typical store experience with everyday items found in a grocery store and still stay on brand.
The cereal aisle is very long and boring. With a small display and an aisle blade, I was able to break up the monotony. An art director from Curb Crowser incorporated the idea of making it a place for coupons.


Ideas on bringing brands to life.
