Salomi Shah's profile

Social Awareness Ads

Social Awareness Ads
Fight Domestic Violence
Western Railway: Poster to use the foot over bridge, and not cross the railway tracks directly.
Central Railway:  A lot of people travel travel in the Mumbai local trains without a ticket. The purpose of this poster was to portray to those people planning to travel ticketless, what would happen if they get caught. The punishment for traveling without a ticket is imprisonment for 3 days. Hence the tickets have been showed as the jail door in the visual below.
Against Dowry:   This was shortlisted from my agency to be sent for a competition on social awareness topics. I chose this topic as there are still so many cases of dowry in India. The fact that some of them happen right in front of our nose, without us knowing it, without us suspecting anything as the families keep it all quiet. We need to look more closely at society. We need to look out for all those people who are silently suffering with a smile.
The line in hindi, reads - "Rakesh's mother and father asked for nothing more than our daughter".  

Don't Bribe:   Bribery is a lot similar to this below picture if you see it metaphorically. Assume that the scarecrow is the police and the crows are the citizens. Now see the picture. See what's happening-
1. According to how things work, the crows are supposed to be scared of the scarecrow for various valid reasons, whereas in the visual below, they are fearlessly approaching the dummy.
2. The scarecrow is overflowing with hay. Hay as black money. From everywhere its overflowing.
3. Because of the unifying of the lawmakers and lawbreakers, see what has happened to the land. It has been ripped off, dry, no vegetation, no profit. 

There may be a lot of ways to see this picture, or any other picture. But the fact remains - Don't bribe.
Don't Bribe:   In Mumbai, everyone is aware of the "chai-paani" business. It is an indirect "under the table" form of asking for/ giving a bribe. In the visual below, I've showed the typical Mumbai style tea glass with a crack, to show that the "chai-paani" which is the system in India has a crack in it, and sooner or later the whole glass might break because of it.
Don't Bribe:   Bribery has started in the younger generation as well. Kids see their parents bribing cops, government officers etc, and they think they can get away with anything. Here is an example of high school students on how they use bribery.
Don't Bribe:  This is a humorous approach on the same topic.  The line reads "How much more can you feed them?"  The food being the metaphor for the amount of bribing you can do.
Don't Bribe:  I made thing ad just because I found this interesting.  It is not India related. But bribery is a universal problem.  The symbol below (Kama) is the Japanese symbol for Morality and righteousness.  The symbols top part not only resembles but consists of the "Yen" - the japanese currency.  Its just a different take on bribery, to show that for some people Morality itself means bribing.
Don't Bribe:   This one is for those people who have been bribed before, for suppressing information, or complains, or more serious things like bribing a witness. Speak up against bribery. It is a crime to remain silent and take the bribe as well.
Social Awareness Ads

Social Awareness Ads

Social Awareness Ads for Mumbai Railways, Anti-dowry and anti-bribery.
