I found tutorial „Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop tutorial: Create a low-poly portrait” on digitalartsonline.co.uk.
I was excited, so I tried in Illustrator.
Niko Laos
First method: I did triangles not exactly. I didn't click on anchors, so artwork had a lot of white spaces. I filled it in red background.
Aneta Zapała
Second method: I exactly dragged lines to anchors, so the artwork wasn't have white spaces.
But I discovered something else thanks Creo's tutorial „Illustrator Tutorial: Low Poly Portrait!”:
Firstly, I did a lot of triagles by pen on Aneta's picture
Secondly, I selected all triagles, and I diveded by pathfidner
Thirdly, using layer panel, I clicked low-poly paths to fill colour by eyedropper
Dawid Lęga
Third method: I made triangles and after that I filled in colour by eyedropper.
Video to learn this method: „Illustrator CC tutorials | E11 | Low Poly Portrait” by Tutorials Box
Low-poly art

Low-poly art

„Low poly style art has been pretty popular around the web recently, and for good reason: it can look pretty damn awesome. Originally it was a te Read More
