Ryan Thompson's profile

Psychogeographical Immersion

 — Psychogeographical Immersion —
Psychogeography — An approach to geography that emphasizes playfulness and "drifting" around urban environments.
Psychogeography is about playfully wandering the environment, but when wandering why do we make the decisions that we do and choose certain paths over others? What leads us to make these decisions? With so much visual noise in large cities and even our small towns, are we really ever making our own decisions? Constantly being corralled by signs and paved paths, we travel the same paths every day and see the same things over and over. Big business, politics, materialistic ideals, and set paths often are a large distraction and keep us from seeing through to what is really around us.

In this experiment I wanted to escape all of these distractions and examine who I am by analyzing my decisions when it's completely up to me. The decisions made alone, away from influence, really speak to the core of a person often telling of interests, and physical and mental toughness. When clearing away all of the visual noise a certain clarity is achieved and focus is shifted to the environment and what is going on in that moment. 

In going forward with the experiment I felt the need to explore this idea and present my decisions and self reflection through some of the sights I found interesting that influenced my path along the way. 
Psychogeographical Immersion

Psychogeographical Immersion

Psychogeographical Immersion is a publication created for my publication course in my fourth year at UW-Stout. The project asked of the class to Read More
