Final product design for a new set of paints, theme, packaging and labeling were designed and constucted. 
The box is formed of two box canvases with a lining to hold the paints, joined with a flat hinge as to open up, one side painted in the style and the other left blank for the artist's interpretation of the stye.
The bag is a simple square tote, heavy cotton outer layer hand painted with fabric paints, inner layer in tough linen with large and brush pockets.
Belly band designed in Adobe Illustrator, printed on a single piece of thick gloss card and joined with glue at the back.
Paint tube labels designed in illustrator each named after a famous artist in the collection style using element of artist's work as decorative.
Concept - each collection in the Inspiration Range will take influence from a different specialism helping to inspire budding artists.
A few versions of the belly band that were created in the design process.
The final designs for each of the paint tube labels.
Paint Packaging

Paint Packaging

My HNC Graded Unit piece. A fictional brief for Winsor Newton company (so as to show work for an already established brand, using logo and identi Read More
