The world is undergoing constant crisis.
Economic failures, Increasing intake of Drugs, Cyber Crimes and bullying, all just are a few fractions of the demons we all battle each passing day.
But no other crime is as heinous as taking another's life, that too in the name of be it peace or freedom or even religion.
This project is a way of drawing attention to such issues, through icons inspired by the recent Paris Attacks (14 Nov).
With the world debating over Beirut and other attacks not receiving proper coverage ground, this project also aims to highlight the fact that terrorism isn't just a First World phemomenon, but is ocurring over the world, constantly, everyday.
Paris Attacks, inspired by the symbol by Jean Jullien
The symbol reflects the Eiffel Tower, embedded into the universally recognized peace symbol
The Syria Massacre, with the bloodshed of over 150 people
The symbol brings the massive bloodshed into the picture, spread all over Syria's map as to get an idea of the extent of terrorism the region has been facing since long
Over 200 dead in the bombings in Egypt, suspected to be by ISIL
The symbol here represents the oldest wonders of the world, the shapes of which stand for enlightenment, for action, for change
Beirut, the capital and largest city of Lebanon, in controversy of being ignored surrounding the subsequent Paris Attacks
But the world does care about the victims, if the news is spread properly and unbiased
The symbol stands for the inital, 'B', and droplets of tears all infused in a triangle, a representative of change
Iraq, a country constantly under extremist exterior pressure, undergoing military rule in the name of democracy
The symbol draws its inspiration from the "Al Shaheed" Memorial Monument in Iraq, also named 'Martyr's Memorial'
Terror: Terrorism

Terror: Terrorism

The recent terrorist attacks on Paris, along with suppression of news for the Beirut Bombings and many other acts of terror inspired this as a aw Read More
