Over the past few days it was announced that Sea World plan to phase out their controversial Orca shows by 2017, shows subject of mounting protest and rising concern over the years. One of the most powerful protests that I saw recently, like many others, was the movie Blackfish, arguably responsible for raising the most awareness out of all and ultimately for this action to have been taken.
Amongst the obvious tragedies, one of the hardest issues to comprehend that has always struck me when dealing with the Orcas in captivity is the lack of space they are succomb to. They are held prisoner for the majority of they’re lives, and for Orcas bred in captivity it is all they know, being forced to perform they are given no freedom by their captor.
2017 serves as a large milestone in this tale but it is unclear whether the Orcas will every be truly free.
Can you imagine a world where the Orcas are truly free?
The Flip Side

The Flip Side

The Flip side, personal project dealing with Orcas in captivity
