On the 23rd of October I had the chance to be part of the revolution of #FeesMustFall march and this is what I documented.
Student from university institutions from around Gauteng gathered at the Park train station. While they were waiting for a train that was giong to take them to Pretoria they started singing struggle songs.
"Iyoooooooooooooooooooooh Solomon"
When the trai arrived it was greeted with the voices of the students bursting into song.
The arrival of students at Pretoria train station.
When the students came out the station they started to greet people in a way that they understand.
The power of students.
As the students were singing and marching to the Union Buildings they were joined by other students and people who are for #FeesMustFall
"Education is not a PRIVILEGE, it is a RIGHT" 
Although things were on fire happiness did'nt want to be felt out.




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