Hamlet play poster
Illustration was made in Illustrator CS6

Hamlet play Ticket | Website design
Illustration was made in Illustrator CS6
Anti-abortion Poster
Illustratiion was made in Illustrator CS6
Human Tracing Letter head| business card| Envelope design
Payoke is a anti-human tracking company located in Bulgaria.
I created a letter head, envelope, and business card for the
company using Illustrator CS6
Florida Stamp design
Illustration was made in Illustrator and Photoshop CS6
Student Exhibition design
Designed a senior student exhibition card
using Illustrator CS6
Chocolate Package design
Chocolate package was created in Illustrator
CS6 and was hand cut and built.
Chocolate Package design
Chocolate package was created in Illustrator
CS6 and was hand cut and built.
Silhouette wine bottle
Created a wine bottle with silhouettes of partying
people. Lable was designed in Illustartor CS6.
Cheese Ravioli design label
is design label which was created for mini
cheese raviolis was created in Illustrator CS6
Team Project Game Design
While working with a team, we created Eazy Pizzy.
As a team we each had a certain part to create. My
part was to create the game cards for this game
which was designed in Illustartor CS6.
Team Project Game Design
While working with a team, we created Eazy Pizzy.
As a team we each had a certain part to create. My
part was to create the game cards for this game
which was designed in Illustartor CS6.
Team Project Game Design
While working with a team, we created Eazy Pizzy.
As a team we each had a certain part to create. My
part was to create the game cards for this game
which was designed in Illustartor CS6.
Andy Warhol gum package
Created an Andy Warhol themed gum package that
was created in Illustrator CS6 and was handcut.
Andy Warhol gum package
Created an Andy Warhol themed gum package that
was created in Illustrator CS6 and was handcut.
Eco-friendly Beauty package
Designed a eco-friendly package for Macadamia Oil.
e box has ower seeds in the paper so when you
dispose of the box in your yard, owers would grow in
time. Design was made in Illustrator CS6 and was hand
cut and packaged.


Various projects
