The challenge
Moving can be a hectic endeavor for anyone, most especially families. The prospect of a move for a young child, who has no control over the situation at all, can be devastating. Uprooting a family is an unfortunate project that we thought we could add a little comfort and fun to. Our solution: The Family POD Package. When ordering a POD, you simply check a box that says "I would like a Family POD," and you are sent a special chalkboard moving POD, with a special kids package of stickers and chalk. You are also prompted to download the PODS for Kids app, which features a collection of games and activities designed to give kids a little control over their move, and something fun to do while mom and dad pack.
the web
say it three times fast: Kids hop happier to new pads with PODS!
The web is a great place to target parents, especially young mothers, a group that has a large and very active blogosphere. (An opportunity for PODS to run a moving-specific content blog for parents makes a lot of sense for this campaign as well!) Playing off of the language of tongue twisters, here are a few sliding web banner ads for the family POD. 
The image slides over to reveal bouncing pad graphic with the slogan > > >
The image slides over to reveal bouncing pad graphic with the slogan > > >
The image slides over to reveal bouncing pad graphic with the slogan > > >
the App
One part of the Family POD package is the PODS for Kids app. The app includes an interactive storybook (about a frog that moves pads with his family using PODS), games and activities, a memory book to commemorate the old home and anticipate the new one, printable box labels and stickers, a moving countdown calendar, and more. Some of the activities are meant to be done as a family, and some are meant to keep the kids busy while mom and dad pack. 
The Art Direction

For the art direction of this project, I was very inspired by the artwork of Eric Carle, who created some of my favorite children's books, including The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Carle's process includes collaging with papers he watercolored designs onto. I used a similar process digitally with some patterns I made, and created a landscape to house the PODS frog, a character who is featured in the storybook. (He and his family move from one pond to another, using their handy POD, of course!)​​​​​​​
I love the work of Eric Carle, and I love the way the app art turned out!
The Chalk POD
The final element of The Family POD package is the chalk pod. It's a moving pod like any other, but instead of slick white walls, this Pod's walls are chalk-ready! Parents encourage kids to draw all over their new Family POD, adding a hint of fun and a sense of ownership over the often traumatic experience of putting all your beloved toys and belongings in a big dark box for a while. Weather permitting, when the POD is delivered to your new home, your kids can recognize their art!


And after!

Bonus! Family PODS in transit become moving, customer-created ads! Urge families to Instagram their POD masterpieces, and share their family moving trials and tribulations with the hashtag #hoppingpads.



For an Ad Strategies class, my team and I created a family-focused campaign designed to make moving easier and more fun for families.
