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Solo Exhibiton "Mojigatari" 2013.7

Four characters phrase illustration
*Yojijukugo (四字熟語) is a Japanese lexeme consisting of four kanji (Chinese characters).
[Hand drwaing-Tracing paper Acrylic paints]
春夏秋冬 Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
一網打尽 At one swoop 
一家団欒 happy family get-together
四面楚歌 have the whole world against one
晴耕雨読 work in the field in fine weather and stay at home reading when it is wet.
一期一会 once‐in‐a‐lifetime chance
異国情緒 exotic mood
Solo Exhibiton "Mojigatari" 2013.7

Solo Exhibiton "Mojigatari" 2013.7

Hand drwaing
