I was approached by a Facebook friend of mine asking if I would be willing to create a logo for her up-and-coming youth group.
She already knew what she wanted which made it a very easy to create this. She described that she wanted the logo to represent a catagory 5 hurricane (hence where the name comes from). 
After a little bit of brain storming I eventually came up with this concept:
Originally I created this with the top view of a hurricane in mind. I chose blue because of water. After showing my client the picture she said that she would prefer a green color (which I agreed would represent a youth group better).
We bounced ideas back and forth and came up with this:
We needed one more thing: a descriptor. We played around with a lot of different fonts to come up with something that matched and then stumbled upon this:
Finally here are some different layouts for the design.
C5 Youth Group

C5 Youth Group

C5 Youth Ministries logo that I created.
