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Old and Bold Series

Old and Bold Series
A Tribute to Traditional American Tattoos 
This is a series of 5 personal works that I painted as a tribute to traditional American tattoo art. Being inspired by the this genre of art and culture since I was a child. My artwork an has had a tremendous influence on this. I simply had to paint a tribute series.

Not only did these symbolic Americana designs grab my interest, it is the watercolor painting techniques used for tattoo flash that I truly appreciate. Used by many traditional tattoo artists, one in particular that has mostly influenced my artwork is tattoo pioneer Norman ‘Sailor Jerry’ Collins.

Each one of these paintings are biased on tattoo flash designs, with my own subject matter that I wanted to illustrate. Non of which are meant as an actual tattoo design. The paintings began as a leisure exercise to hone my style to this genre of art. Which lead to the final series where I applied my own painting techniques, and composition that I have picked up over the years.

© 2012 Jesse Pascarella | Original Artwork All Rights Reserved
Old and Bold Series