Making a Meal of Eating Together
Initial concept in collaboration with
James Holdsworth for Future Lions
Moving to a new city to start a career can be a fairly daunting experience, especially if you’re trying to find ways of making friends in the area. Alone time is an essential part of human life, but ready meals for one surely don’t make the cut every night of the week? Who do these people turn to if they would like a face to face conversation?

The act of sitting down and eating a meal collectively is a fundamental positive contributor to an individual’s well being. It is commonplace in modern society (particularly young professionals living on their own) that a laptop or phone has become the new companion at meal times. Using technology whilst eating is hugely justifiable when you consider that it is often distracting people from the fact that they are lonely.

Capitalising on the format of Tinder and the rising interest in cooking and baking programmes, Eat Up enables people to find and host meals with people nearby. Eat Up puts the Host in charge, allowing them to create a list of ingredients which are divided up and pushed out to nearby Guests looking to join a meal. Guests can select from taste preference keywords when creating their profile to help filter the ingredients requests which they ‘yuck’ or ‘yum’ their way through.
Eat Up

Eat Up

Capitalising on the format of Tinder and the rising interest in cooking and baking programmes, Eat Up enables people to find and host meals with Read More
