Located 5 miles from Machurucuto, a small fishing town in eastern Miranda State (Venezuela), Marbella is a small sector of Laguna de Tacarigua National Park. This place is well known for the Cuban Invasion in 1967. Venezuelan guerrilla men, trained in Cuba, disembarked in the shores of Machurucuto in May, 12th 1967, but it was an unsuccessful coup d'etat attempt.

Marbella is a protected zone, just like any National Park in Venezuela. However, this natural space were used by private corporations after the failed Cuban Invasion to build private resorts, with the help of national private banks. These small resorts had small houses and cabins, tennis courts, swimming pools and restaurants, but due to climate conditions and vegetation, most of them have disappeared.

Actually, there are few resorts that stand still. The closer the resorts are from Machurucuto and Cúpira (a near town), the buildings are better constructed. The farest clubs from these towns are "Club Vacacional Marbella" and "Club Managua", and they still have the resemblance of the old clubs from the 70's. Small houses build with wood and with only one bedroom, roads in very bad shape and shortcomings of running water and light are the most common features of these clubs. However, the trip to these clubs is worth: complete isolation from civilization without being totally disconnected (mobile phone signal is available for certain carriers), more than 4 miles of virgin shores, amazing landscapes, tropical flora and fauna is beautiful and rare at the same time, and a closer connection with nature.

I have a small cabin in Club Vacacional Marbella from more than 10 years. I usually go there 6 times a year, though my agenda in the last two years kept me away from this place I really like. I have been there a lot with my family and friends, and they have the same opinion I have about this place: it's like paradise.


Project on course.

Canon 60D.
Canon EF 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS.
Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II.
Canon EF 28mm f/2.8

Lomography Diana Mini.

Jóhann Jóhannsson - Krókódíll.
© Jóhann Jóhannsson
Canon EOS 60D:
Diana Mini:


Personal project, still on progress.
