"For this semester I had to produce a 30 second long video that describes me as a person. While some might be interested in what my day looks like or what my morning rituals are, I decided to do something else entirely. 
What if I instead told you my story?"
I came up with this concept after seeing a animated short about the hero's journey. In this video the narrator speaks of the Hero with a Thousand Faces, in which all modern day characters from novels or movie find their origin. 
My personal situation has been a bit rough, as you might find in this video, and I really do sometimes see myself as the hero. Of my own story. 
Other than that I wanted to tell it to my audience, I also wanted to develop myself as an animator. That's why for this project I started working with Flash for the very first time. It marks my very first steps into frame-by-frame animation and I've been really enjoying it so far. 
Illustrations are made in Illustrator and the final edit has been made using After Effects (as well as the rough animations).
My Story (2015)

My Story (2015)

For this semester I had to produce a 30 second long video that describes me as a person. While some might be interested in what my day looks like Read More
