The concept of the Red_Pill is that when the owner consumes this said pill, he or she recieves a deeper truth into the reality of life itself. That being said the Red_Pill is nothing to be reckoned with. In this video Alex has already taken the Red_Pill and is undergoing the transformation. When Danny discoveres what Alex has done, he believes that he can take the other Red_Pill to reach the other dimmension to save him. But only comes to realize that he is too late.

In this screen shot below ,I show how I partially composited this scene into this video. Initially I was tasked to use a green screen to eventually key out the footage and composite a scene. So instead of using the green screen facility provided in my school I took it upon myself to attain my own assets for the sake of my initial concept. I was able to make a green screen rig inside of a 9 foot deep pool and record assets like no other in the class. With the help of my peers and teacher I've learned many techniques that are used by professionals. I strive to do more projects like these to improve this skill set, and achieve professional quality work.

So the purpose of this screen shot is to showcase the talent of cinematography, and color grading. What this is a jelly bean (aka Red_Pill) next to a thirst quenching glass of water. In the composition called "What Da" I have multiple compositions to seamlessly intertwine different shots to make a story. Having the effects is one thing, but telling an effective story through sheer editing is another. Again through different techniques I am able to string together sensible story to create a message. 


For this project, I have been tasked to make a video containing two green screen components. On top of that I tested waters with Rotoscoping, Key Read More
