this photo i took underneath an old truck so due to the close up i got a really good shot of the inteirior of the truck please feel free to tell me what you think
I thought this was a really nice picture becuase I really was trying to get a shot of the statue it'self but apperently the sun jumped in front the photo but it's ok the whole picture really stands out 
there's lots of color in this one usally it's takes great paitence to create such amazing picutre steadyness
Say you had a really tine camera and your were really tiny what you belive me if i told you this photo was take with my phone and the camera was upside down and just so happen i got this awesome photo 
if you've ever seen the movie Nanny Mc Phee your imagination would really alert you that this very gate reminds your of some old evil school that every teacher is mean and ruthless anyway i just look how the leaves grew over the gate a little plus i love the gate itself 
This photo really has a way of showing how our city falls apart and due to the cunstruction on the left no matter the damage as we upcycle and manage this pic also reminds me of a music video 
I really love this photo beucase it reminds me that as a young child when mom and dad are conversating about something your not required to hear well who cares as a kid i still love my parents and in my book it's mandatory to worry what's wrong with either of them 
If your from california or have been you'll totally understand why i snapped this pic well it's pretty obivous the car is an oldie a natural layback the original low riders well slightly 
I put this photo in the showroom becuase of the relfection and plus you never see photos with phone and digital camera within the shot it also shows friendship I barley knew her but we took the photo so it's cool
Close Up Magazine

Close Up Magazine

Here you will examine the great photography that I took and i'm giving you permission to only comment your opinions no insults what so ever
