Panoptiqm Studio's profile

Łaciate - 20 years

Another great collaboration with our client Mlekpol.
Panoptiqm Team created animation for Laciate's 20th anniversary. We have created TVC - main 30s and 15s film.
The campaign is conducted in television and on Internet. V&P Agency was responsible for birthday contest, prizes, events, website and key visuals. 
The biggest challenge was to create realistic cows with all skin and fir deformations as well as the whole environment. There is more to watch in Making of below. 
Hope you like it.
A short Making of showing some people involved in production  as well as elements we had to create to achieve this efects. Hope you like it!
Director: Artur Marcol
Agency: V&P
Sound studio: Halo Productions
Production & Postproduction: Panoptiqm
Production Manager: Krzysztof Krok
Animation: Artur Marcol, Anna Wydro
Modeling: Piotr Orliński, Gosia Słuszkiewicz, Anna Wydro, Michał Rudkowski
Character TD: Olga Kołakowska, Krzysztof Jędrzejek
Textures: Piotr Orliński, Gosia Słuszkiewicz
Fur: Piotr Białousz
Lighting TD: Piotr Orliński
Compositing: Sebastian Faliński
Łaciate - 20 years

Łaciate - 20 years

Another great collaboration with our client Mlekpol. Panoptiqm Tream created animation for Laciate's 20th anniversary.
