Afrasia is a fashion show inspired by African and Asia styles that are infused with the Western Culture.
Colour is the main element when it was pitched to us.
Other elements that were been pitched was that it has to be unisex, but the client would like to have it embroidered and possibly using garment vinyl.
With the Logo/Brand Afrasia, would like the A to be stand alone but also work with Afrasia at the same time.
Therefore I have decided to go for black text/type with a unisex, multi-cultural colour of blue. This colour works on most of the colours that garments come in and obviously certain blues are better than others. Using a simple black and white text means that it is simple/cost effective and chic.
Using the typography of Colonna MT
Visualising the Afrasia logo on media to publicise the event and attract the attention to the cause of the show.
Thank you for viewing!


Afrasia is a Fashion Show fusing Africa and Asia style in colour and patterns. Producing a Brand and Logo that can stand alone but also combine t Read More
