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The Visual Series Of Malay Proverbs

Berkayuh Sampan Bocor - Paddling a leaky canoe (A life of extreme poverty)
A Mobile Phone Painting Project, translating various Malay Proverbs visually using the Samsung Galaxy Note 3. As children, we used to hear many proverbs. And although we came to know their meaning, we rarely if ever get a chance to see them visually. Now, we have the opportunity to reflect on all these proverbs again, as visual art pieces created using a mobile phone. 

Every piece was created layer-by-layer using the Samsung Galaxy Note 3’s painting app - Mobile Sketch. With this simple gesture, we hope to convey the beauty and wisdom of these Malay proverbs, to be appreciated by the current generation and those to come.

For me personally, these drawings of Malay proverbs and their deep values represent a period of distress while I was homesick in Italy, unable at first to blend into the culture and lifestyle of the locals. This series was inspired by a time of darkness; with traditional art expressed through technology, I was able to overcome such adversity.
Besar Kepala - Big Head
 Belum Tumbuh Gigi Sudah Pandai Menggigit - Don’t Bite The Hand That Feeds You.
Mendukung Biawak Hidup - Carrying the lizard (Doing something useless.)
Banyak Mulut - A lot of mouth ( Refers to someone who always talks nonsense )
“Kalau takut dilambung ombak, jangan berumah di tepi pantai”
- If you’re scared of being tossed by the waves, do not settle on the beach.
“Seperti katak hendak jadi lembu” - Melakukan sesuatu lebih dari kesanggupan sendiri.
Laksana Menggigit Tangan Yang Menyuapkan Nasi - Biting the hand that feeds you
(Not appreciating what others have done for you)
Berendam Air Mata - Soak the tear (Someone who always sad)
Seperti Anjing Berebut Tulang - Like dogs fighthing over a bone. (Greed for power)
Memberi Muka - Giving face ( Pampering someone by giving them freedom 
to do as they please )
Laut Dalam Dapat Di Duga, Hati Manusia Siapa Yang Tahu - The sea’s depth can be predicted, but no one can know what’s in someone’s heart
(It’s difficult to understand what other people feels)
Sambil Menyelam Minum Air - Diving while drinking the water (Doing two good things at the same time)
Makan Hati - Eating one’s own heart ( Deep sadness caused by someone else )
Kaki Lepas, Leher Terjerat - Last Legs Entangled Neck ( The bad guys who cannot hide the evil inside him )
Monyet Mendapat Bunga - Like monkey obtaining a flower ( One who cannot appreciate what he obtains because ofhis folly and conceit )
Meludah Ke Langit, Akhirnya Muka Sendiri Yang Basah - Spit into the sky (A stupid action that embarrasses yourself)
Belahlah Dada Lihatlah Hati - Split my chest and look at my heart (Declaring complete honesty)
Musang Berbulu Ayam - Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
Keluar Mulut Harimau, Masuk Mulut Buaya - Out of the crocodile’s mouth, into the tiger’s mouth ( Having escaped a precarious situation, only to fall into another one )
Mengikat Perut - Binding the stomach (Saving money)
The Visual Series Of Malay Proverbs

The Visual Series Of Malay Proverbs

A Mobile Phone Painting Project, translating various Malay Proverbs visually using the Samsung Galaxy Note 3. As children, we used to hear many p Read More
