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If design is design

During the “software e grafica per il web” course at the Politecnico di Milano we developed this web glossary based on many design terms.
We decided to use videos on the web to describe the words due to the power of communication of this media.
This is the Index page.
Each letter is animated on rollover and if pressed links to the associated video page.
Check it out! INDEX
Here are some previews of the video pages. If you didn't surfed them yet, isn't too late!
We used different programs and codes to make the site.
To be precise, the ones in the green part are for the Index and about pages, the orange ones are for the video pages.
If design is design

If design is design

IDID is a glossary of design terms which are explained by videos (Laura Ferreira, Giula Zerbini, Giorgia Pinotti, Hanna Gritsch, Anca Serbanescu Read More
