As a group we had to make and edit a movie based on our concept and the synopsis of the book, Rise of the Oxx, which is a fundraiser for the Parvathy Ramachandra Trust.
Our concept was based on
Who can we trust?
Perceptions are deceptive?
Are the people that we trust with our lives who they make themselves out to be?
As an indiviual you were required to campaign the movie trailer, fashion shown and the book launch. 
The book lauch was used to make people want to watch the movie, the movie was used to make people want to buy the Fashion which was to be sold at Fashion fusion. 
The concept behind my campaign was to get the idea across that perceptions are deceptive
and you never know what people are really thinking. The idea that people always play games on your mind, like the game noughts and crosses.
The logo for the Oxx was based on the idea that even in noughts and crosses people have the ability to change your perception and play games on your mind. The logo was kept simple and one colour, as it is cheaper to print, and it will go with any item of clothing no matter what the colour of the fabric is.
Swing Tags
Movie poster, fashion show poster & Book launch poster
The posters were used to create awareness and advertise the events. The imagery that was used in the campaign shows the idea that you do not know what people are actually thinking, therefore the perception of any person is very deceiving. 
Book and DVD cover
The idea behind the bookcover and DVD case, as well as, the DVD,
was to use the imagery from the relevant posters, to add continuity.
Social media
The social media was used as an advertising platform and to create awarness. 
Thank you!
Rise of the Oxx