Paul Singer's profile

Project - Branding and Identity

A project from my second year at LSAD, all about creating a brand and identity for ourselves. So in other words we had to design and animate a logo which best describes us as an individual.
As with any project the first step was to research and brainstorm to get some ideas to function as a starting point. After some messy mind maps and some soul searching I ended with a few constants, namely that when it comes to work, or anything in life I always strive to find the most efficient way of completing a task with the best possible outcome. A skill I've found to be very useful when it come to how little time we have for some of these projects.
With this "path of least resistance" idea come a few things that I wanted in my logo; I wanted a flat and limited colour palette and I wanted lots of signs and symbols in the logo that show that I like to overcome problems, preferably in the most efficient and manageable means possible.
As for the colour palette, at first each element/symbol had it's own colour, but that felt like each symbol was it's own piece and there was no visually unifying factor to bring the logo together. To solve this I went with a solid black on white which also helped the whole logo stand out. The lack of colour however brought with it a new set of problems, suddenly it wasn't very clear what each piece meant, biggest offender was the arrow representing the flow of water. My answer to this was the animation and the sound design. Rumbling and screen shake for the mountains, screen flash and a storm for the lightning, and a ripple and water sound for the flowing arrow.
Through my research which involved looking at existing examples of logos, I found that the NASA logo had some elements that really worked for my logo, namely the idea that all of the pieces that make up the logo are individual symbols that have a meaning behind them and there's a reason for things being there other than "it looks good".
The fun part of designing the logo was combining the message and the identity with the visual, and in the process creating something that looks, feels and means something coherent, and above all reflects me as a person.
Project - Branding and Identity

Project - Branding and Identity

Branding and identity project from my second year at LSAD.
