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Neolithic Airdrone (Design Concept)

The Neolithic Air Drone is a revolutionary invention crafted by ingenious cavemen using natural resources and ancient techniques. 
The drone's body is made from the skull of a fierce saber-toothed animal, providing durability and strength to withstand harsh flying conditions. The propellers, carved from a dense stone, are meticulously shaped to create lift and directional control, making flight possible.
The support legs of the drone are fashioned from six-inch fangs of a prehistoric animal, offering stability during take-off and landing. All the components of the drone are securely fastened with leather straps, ensuring that they remain in place while in flight.
This ancient drone is a marvel of engineering and ingenuity, providing a unique perspective of the world from above. The Neolithic Air Drone is an ideal tool for scouting and mapping terrain, observing wildlife, and exploring new territories. With its rugged design and durable construction, this drone is the perfect companion for any caveman looking to push the boundaries of human knowledge and technology.
More drones coming soon...
Neolithic Airdrone (Design Concept)