In MIRROR, everything you know about reality is about to change. Movement becomes sound – sound becomes light – time is bending in the mirror – and matter dissolves in a fluid stream of particles connecting everything in constant motion.
The experiment is set up using one Oculus Rift, one Microsoft Kinect 2, a pair of headphones, an array of contact-, directional and ambient-microphones and a PC with VVVV + MaxMSP.
This installation analyses the movement of the user and transform it into sound and visuals in the very same moment. A MAXMSP-Patch analyzes the user’s head and limb-positions to generate 3d-sound-scapes (binaural) that enhance the immersive experience.
The audio-visual journey can be told faster or slower, depending on the agility of the users. The experience is tightly connected to every movement and noise.
MIRROR premiered at the NODE Festival for Digital Art in April 2015 as “M2” and has been shown since then at selective events and locations.


Interaktiondesign, Digital Art, Virtual Reality
