Spiros Kappos's profileGeorgios Tzannis's profile


Antenna Group is a media company in Europe whose operations include broadcasting, publishing and Internet services.
At the cornerstone of the Group, ANT1 TV is a major private television network in Greece.
The idea behind this project, was to create a portal that would unify ANT1 TV’s online services (WebTV) with other online services like News and Gaming, in order to establish a strong online presence.
User friendly design intended to create strong branding, cross platform
Video is broadcasted in 16:9 ratio.I used that proportion, as my main design element for the site. All content is fitted (mainly) in this ratio, especially video!
The combination of different size boxes, created several box-patterns, that formed several zones. With the use of text / buttons etc content may vary, making zones flexible for different usage


Design the portal for antenna TV, in Greece
