This is a series of collage i've put together under the theme of our present reality concerning issues that the post-modern human has to deal with nowadays. If you are interested in prints or T-shirts let me know!
Série de collagens que agrupei sobre a temática da nossa realidade atual, envolvendo questões que o ser humano pós-moderno deve lidar na atualidade. Prints e camisetas disponíveis em breve! 
Medicine - Poliforte is a 70's medicine for chicken, for industrial farming. What are your medicine?
Enviromental Chaos
Hyperreality - The perception of yourself as something bigger than a body. Sinestesia.
Passing on the genes, the ideas, the skills and fears.
Post-Modernity - Fastening of reality, lack of time, machine integration, multi-tasking.


Series of collage made under the theme of Post-Modern life and its issues. Hand-made collages with digital post production.
